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In my Mongolian yurt, the beautiful practice room and especially out here in the open countryside of the beautiful Hohe Tauern National Park of Carinthia we share the expiriences of shamanic and

Meditation work together. Welcome into our circle !

Here is the 2017 annual program:



Spiritual and Nature workshop program 2017

January - February 2017: Holidays :)

March 2017:
Friday 3 March 7pm-10pm: Eagle Spirit -

A workshop with the Wind Spirit - for people interested in shaman work

Wednesday March 22: Workshop for initiating Spring time with meditation, shamanic vacation

in "Anitas Fröhlichte Welt" Shop 9.30 am- 12.00 am.

April 2017
Friday, April 7

7pm-10 pm: Mother Earth and Water spirit - An evening trip into the spring world of the native mountains - Workshop for shaman work interested

Friday 14 April at 4pm - Sunday 16 April at 4pm

Permakultur I - Seminar series, Theory & Practical Application -

Workshop with Perma Gardener and Nature scout coach Günther Kramer

Saturday 21 April 10 am - 6 pm: The Rainfairy - importance of fairy tales in the Shaman initiation, telling stories and free fabula

May 2017
Friday 5 May 7 pm - 10 pm: The Owl and other forest spirits - animal connections in our soul,

practise Workshop - for shaman work interested

Saturday May 20th - Sunday May 21: The view behind the masks -
Mask workshop, kreative building of and Ritual Dance

June 2017
Friday 2 June 7 pm - 10 pm: As Phoenix from the ashes - birth and rebirth of the inner child - workshop for shamanically interested

Saturday, June 16th - Sunday June 17th:

Healing with songs - learn to sing free, join our healing circle for two touching exchange days in the open nature of the mountains with overnight at the 1000 star hotel

Intensive Workshop - together with Günther Kramer

July 2017
Friday July 8th - Sun July 16th: First Wild Week in the high mountain
Living and enjoying silence - Meditation & shaman practise in the lonely mountain at 2300m!

The simplicity of life in the mountain, absolute silence, the animal world close up,

open ice cold mountain lake, recognize herbs and use them for healing craft, meditatively hiking, make fire, live with simple means, shamanic perception exercises and much more ... The intensive workshop for The connection with your human nature!

(Together with Günther Kramer)

August 2017
Saturday 5th August - Sunday 13th August: Second Wild Week
Living in the lonely mountain hut at 2000m - the simplicity of life in the mountain, absolute silence, the animal world close up encounter, ice cold mountain lakes open, herbs recognize and correctly use, meditatively hiking, fire making, life with simple means, shamanic perception exercises and much more ... The intensive workshop for the connection with your human nature! (Together with Günther Kramer)

September 2017
Saturday 7.Sept - Sunday 8.Sept: Permakultur III - Seminar Series, Theory & Practical Application - Workshop with Günther Kramer

Friday 15 Sept 7pm-10pm:

Songs for the soul - ritual singing workshop for the shaman work interested

Saturday 30 Sept 10am-6pm: Spiral of Life - Rituals of the Inner Change

(Shamanic Intensive Workshop VII)

October 2017
Friday, October 14th, 7pm-10pm Quite, quiet - your ancestors calling- an intense evening with an ancient rune ritual - workshop for shamanically interested

Saturday 28th October 10am - 6pm: Tarot maps correct, theory and practice - Intensive workshop for people with interest in the Tarot - Oracles

Registration / more info: 0660-8354428

December 2017

Wild week at the Canaric Island Fuerteventura!

Next winter In December 2017, we plan a one-week spiritual trip to Fuerteventura. We want to meditate with loving people in the wild nature of Jandia National Park, sing, bathe, enjoy, walk and practice shamanic techniques in the powerful surroundings of magical places.

The power of the harsh island - off the beaten track - has fascinated us and deeply inspired us, we want to experience with you wonderful moments of silence, and sharing it in a small group. There is the possibility to stay in a nice, affordable private accommodation (self-catering)

Who wants to go with us together for a week to this place?

Date: 12.12.-19.12. 2017
Costs 650 € p.P - excl. Flight / Accommodation

Wild Week- your nature connection workshop

in the National Reserve of Hohe Tauern

Photo: The Großfragant, Garnitzenalm with alpine hut and stable, National Park Hohe Tauern, Carinthia, Austria

What you experience in the workshop:
Pure nature in a lonely mountain hut at 2300m quiet-live simplicity and oneness in the
mountains, enjoy absolute silence, meet the animal world up close, bathe in the icecold
mountain lake.

Learn to recognize and use herbs, wander in solitude, learn to make fire, live with
very simple means, experience sensory and shamanic perceptions, practice in silence
and meditation ... Your intensive seminar for the connection with your own spiritual

Where: Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Grossfragant, Carinthia, Austria

Fee: 550 € incl. Meals / accommodation in a simple hut

Important: Seminar is limited to 12 participants! Only suitable for people with a
sporty constitution! Please ask for the conditions of participation! Special equipment
required! Please ask for equipment list!

The workshop will be led by Susanne Krämer (Natural practioner) and Günther Kramer
(Wilderness pedagogue)

Registration / more information:

Günther Kramer: Tel. 0043-650-8403876 Mail:
Susanne Krämer: Tel. 0043-660-8354428 Mail: